Traditional Funeral Service
A Traditional Funeral Service generally means that there is a period for mourning following a death in the family, there will be arrangements for public viewing of the deceased and a public funeral service at either a Church or Funeral Home. Burial or entombment usually follows at a local cemetery. Cremation may be an option to burial and is considered to be a traditional part of general funeral services.
While the Traditional Funeral Service is mostly based on historic area practices and public sensitivity, these services can be modified or adjusted to meet special needs or to stay within a predefined financial limit.
Three types of Traditional Services:
1.) Traditional Service with the Visitation on one day, and the Funeral Service is held either at Church or the Funeral Home on the following day. Friends and Family usually go in procession to the cemetery for burial following the service.
2.) One Day Traditional Service with a period for Visitation prior to the Funeral Service and burial. All rites and services are concluded in one day although the deceased may be moved from the Funeral Home to a Church for the Funeral Ceremony, and then a procession to the cemetery for burial.
3.) A Graveside Service is a form of traditional service but adapted in that all services are held entirely at the cemetery or mausoleum. The casket is not usually open for public viewing. Family and friends meet at the cemetery at a predetermined time, and there is no funeral procession.

Alternatives to Traditional Services

The funeral ceremony is not unlike other ceremonies that distinguish our lives. Baptisms, graduations, weddings, and such all serve to recognize a significant event in a person’s life. The funeral ceremony likewise recognizes the final event in that person’s life and offers loved ones a chance to say a last goodbye.
Today, funeral arrangements are as individual as the person for whom and by whom they are made. A ceremony may be individualized to reflect a specific interest or hobby of the deceased. It may highlight one’s occupation or ethnic background and therefore, hold special meaning for those present.
One alternative to the traditional service is Direct Burial. Direct Burial and Direct Cremation provide no visitation or funeral service. This option is available and is designed to meet the needs of some families.
All aspects of funeral arrangements are a combination of personal preference and financial circumstances. Our funeral directors can provide detailed information on all of the available options along with specific costs for each. He or she can also explain legal requirements and be sure all proper forms are completed.
Our Family Serving Yours…
Pape Funeral Home
2308 Pershing Blvd
Clinton, IA 52732
(563) 242-3344